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Do Celebrity Endorsements Work? Five Brilliant Must-See Videos
Whether you realize it or not, we market ourselves everyday. When you go for a job interview, you are selling yourself. And keeping your job depends on how you sell yourself daily to the people you report to. If you run your own business, you might be selling your own product or selling the products of others.
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The InfoBarrel Advantage (With Ryan McKenzie) Bonus: Sneak Preview of InfoBarrel Version 4.0
Google's improved Panda algorithm released earlier this fall has targeted low-quality content on even the largest writing platforms. It appears that quality is being rewarded over quantity. Thankfully, high-quality (small or medium-sized) sites such as InfoBarrel are leading the pack. I sat down with Ryan McKenzie and asked him a dozen questions.
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HubPages and Squidoo: 8 Lies You've Been Told
The red flags have gone up for HubPages writers: former Squidoo lenses are being unfeatured for lack of engagement (prior to the four month grace period), writers can no longer disclose their earnings without the prior written consent of HubPages, and authors are being encouraged to leave their "Hubs" [articles] up for at least a year.
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Can Squidoo-HubPages Do This? NO (Includes How To File an IC3)
Squidoo's Seth Godin announced on Friday, August 15th, 2014 (around 5 pm ET), that HubPages has acquired Squidoo. Part of this transaction, apparently, is the "promise" of the "highest rated" and "most useful" content. This content does NOT belong to Squidoo, it belongs to the writers.
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DIY Lemonade Stand - Tips, Quips, and Recipes
Anything yellow seems to conjure up happy feelings in the people I know. I offer up a few interesting facts about everyday yellow things. But wait, I also include three new lemonade recipes (including a hard lemonade) with some handy tips for those ready to turn lemons into lemonade.
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Oops, Paul Edmondson Forgot to Opt-Out of the NEW Writers Contract
It's getting harder to stomach all the excuses that HubPages is coming up with for abusing authors. Yes, abusing is the right word. I feel it's high time Hubbers took a look at what has transpired over the last few months to see how their rights have been infringed.
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3 X Carlin: An Orgy Of George Is Perfect For Quick Reads
Some people can practically devour an 800-page book, cover-to-cover, in a matter of days. Then there's people (like me) who prefer to thumb through sections of a book for inspiration on occasion. Rarely do I find enough time to read for hours at a time. Sound familiar?
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